Advertise with Us

Got a show coming up and would like to publicise it on our Upcoming page?

We can make that happen, all we ask is 3 simple things:

  1. A one-off donation payment of $10 to cover our admin time and cost. This can be done via PayID to the email address
  2. A high quality image of your poster with show details (please include a ONE sentence summary of your show and season run).
  3. The link to purchase tickets.

Please send all media content and enquiries to

Once the above steps have been completed, your advertisement will appear on our Upcoming page within 24-48 hours and will remain until the event’s closing date.

Please note: we accept advertisements promoting theatre / literary events of any merit as long as it does not promote hate speech, gruesome or sexual violence / gore or harm against a child. We also do not promote any political agenda or ‘GoFundMe’ fundraising campaigns, unless it is directly related to an event to support a theatre / literary cause (eg ‘save our theatre’ morning tea).

If in any doubt as to whether your advertisement meets our guidelines, please do not hestitate to reach out to us at