
Here you will find a featured listing of shows and events in Sydney and surrounds.

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Sivvy Plaths Birthday Present
10-14 September
Queer Hub – Qtopia Sydney – The Loading Dock
Sydney Fringe

Riveting play on the dramatic, courageous, moving life of Sylvia Plath to show her impact on feminism, postmodernism and understanding of mental illness.
Buy tickets at https://sydneyfringe.com/events/sivvy-plaths-birthday-present/

A poster image promoting Church of the Clitori with a headline PAINT THE TOWN PINK and two flamboyant figures in a hand hold as if they are about to dance.

The Church of the Clitori 
24 – 28th September
Kings Cross Hotel 9pm
Sydney Fringe

A church unlike any other, (think ‘Sex in the City’ meets ‘Book of Mormon.’) this immersive comedy/cabaret,  an original production by body positive satirists, takes femininity out of the box. 
Buy tickets at

Ferociously Forty and Rising Burlesque Show
28th September
Cabaret Hub – Kings Cross Hotel – Bordello Room
Sydney Fringe

Ana Seethe is a burlesque performer, producer and instructor in her forty sixth journey around the sun. She is passionate about celebrating all of the delicious performance experience of those creatives who continue to slay beyond their fortieth year.
Buy tickets at