Verdict: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (reviewed 9 May)
Karate Man, the world’s first live-action video game is back and this time it’s playing to a larger audience at the Factory Theatre in Marrickville. Yay!
The format of this interactive show is almost the same as its previous incarnation (see review here) but this time they’ve added an extra-level challenge which (when it got to my turn to hold the controls) had me totally stumped. Boo!
A clue might have been nice so that I didn’t suffer emotional damage and still get my dopamine hit for achieving success, which I think is the biggest drawcard behind this concept. Otherwise it just looks awkward, poor Karate Man standing up there looking awkward, me feeling awkward and the audience thinking AWKWARD!!!
But tbh it is the awkward bits that makes this show so much fun 🙂
It would be interesting to hear some voiceover stats of how many times Karate Man has been picked for various jobs (both times I attended, he applied to be a fashionista).
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for great originality and concept that will appeal to fans of #comedy #karate #gaming #videogames #1980snostalgia.
Karate Man created by Beak Productions is playing at Factory Theatre as part of the Sydney Comedy Festival til 12 May. For tickets and showtimes, go to
Images: sourced from Beak Productions website