Verdict: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 (reviewed Wednesday 24 July).
Nick and Tom’s brand of improv comedy is like watching a rickety flying bicycle taking off. Somehow, miraculously, it catches the wind, soars, and lands safely at its destination. In between these two breathtaking moments there are lots of laughs at the sheer absurdity of why anyone would want to ride on a flying bicycle. But hey, that’s not my bike! (a punchline at Sit and Com, the latest improv show featuring Nick, Tom et al).
Sit and Com comes in two halves: the first half (‘Sit’) consists of a line-up of stand up comedians and skits. The ‘Com’ is a full length improvised sitcom, moulded on Friends, Frasier and Full House, with audience prompts for the setting, show name and catchphrase. The blend has a rather interesting, fruity appeal. Some acts are a bit spicer than others, but no one is pretending to be anyone’s cup of tea. Whether you respond to playful social commentary, skits, characterisations or soap-opera satire, there’s a bit of variety for everyone to satisfy your dopamine cravings.
Featured acts on Wednesday 24 July at the Vanguard included:
- Pure Comedy By Father John Misty (Ruby Blinkhorn and Kate Wilkins)
- John Glover
- SKORT: Steph Ryan and Allana Duncan
- SCRUM: Alex Reynolds
The improvised sitcom featured Nat Jensen, Jacinta Gregory, Elliot Ulm, Nick Harriot and Tom Waddell, with Bruno Dubosarsky (of ‘Karate Man‘ fame) on tech/opening the second half.
For more updates on Nick and Tom shows, go to
Image: Sourced from The Vanguard Instagram page