Verdict: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (reviewed Friday 28 June).
Speakerbox is the latest high calibre feelgood comedy show from Sydney’s leading school of improvisational theatre, Improv Theatre.
A cast of nine, plus two guest performers and one special guest takes us on a journey of stories from a rich and varied life, done improv musical theatre style.
Our special guest this evening was Dr Jakelin Troy, an Aboriginal Australian woman from the Ngarigu community of the Snowy Mountains in south eastern Australia. Dr Jakelin Troy works at Sydney University and is passionate about documenting, describing and reviving Indigenous languages.
As we were introduced to the fascinating ‘big life’ of Dr Troy, she shared stories of the times she came into close encounters with animal wildlife in fragile ecosystems, which then inspired a hilarious musical theatre rendition from the performers. During that engaging hour, the laughs were aplenty as we followed a salmon love story through the icy waters of Canada, taking us all the way to the moon in a passenger airplane.
Improv Theatre and Speakerbox deliver a heartwarming concept that shares the power of storytelling with an open heart and huge imagination. Highly recommended to catch a show on their upcoming tour before the salmon season is over.
Speakerbox cast includes Becca Hurd, Carla Field, Emilia Higgs, Jeff Mesina, Liam Webber, Lucy Allen, Marty Quinn, Nick Harriott, and Shane Porter. Special guest performers on 28 June included Bridie Connell & Elliot Ulm.
To see an upcoming show, follow them here or their Instagram here.